Annually Sanlam Group Risk analyses the disability insurance claims received during the previous year according to the causes of disability and claim events.

The results for the 2023 year in income disability claims confirm a trend over the years, where the musculoskeletal system (back injuries and other physical disablements) claims have consistently remained high with tumours (cancer) and blood circulatory system (heart attack and stroke) – related claims also featuring prominently across the years. These three causes plus nervous system & sense organ claims, make up over half of our claims across the different benefits.

To view the results of our analysis, click here.

Since the COVID pandemic, there has been a decline in mental health across the world. We see this through a notable emergence of mental disorders as a prevalent cause of claims within our data. 7.16% of Income Disability claims relate to mental disorders in 2020 compared to 10.45% of claims in 2023.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental disorders encompass a wide range of conditions that impact mood, thinking and behaviour. These can manifest in various forms including depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and more.

Recent WHO data reveals the staggering prevalence of mental health disorders, with an estimated one in eight people in the world live with a mental disorder. In South Africa, mental health issues have been a growing concern. According to the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), depression and anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions in the country, affecting millions of people.

While not all mental health issues are preventable, many can be managed and treated effectively with proper support and resources. Incorporating mental health into our overall lifestyle is crucial because it can significantly impact our quality of life and ability to cope with challenges. However, achieving mental well-being in today’s world can be challenging. Factors such as societal stigma, access to mental health services, and personal barriers can hinder our efforts. Despite these obstacles, it’s essential to prioritize self-care to navigate life’s demands effectively. Fortunately, adopting a mentally healthy lifestyle doesn’t necessarily require drastic changes – it involves making small, sustainable adjustments over time.

Prioritize Self-Care: Listen to your body and mind, and give yourself the care you need. This may include setting boundaries, practicing self-compassion, and engaging in activities that promote relaxation and enjoyment.

Practice Moderation: Balance is key. Strive to maintain a healthy equilibrium in your daily activities, relationships, and emotions. Avoid extremes and embrace a balanced approach to life.

Rest and Recovery: Recognize the importance of rest and relaxation in mental well-being. Allow yourself time to recharge, both mentally and physically. Quality sleep, in particular, is vital for overall health and functioning.

By prioritizing mental health and making mindful choices we can cultivate resilience, enhance our overall well-being and lead fulfilling lives. Remember, taking care of your mind is just as important as caring for your body.

Mikashnie Gounden