Industry Updates
Sanlam Umbrella Fund launches ground-breaking retirement planning service
In a renewed drive to improve retirement outcomes for members, the Sanlam Umbrella Fund (SUF) has launched a ground-breaking new online and telephonic retirement planning service for fund members. Read more as...
Sanlam Benchmark Survey
The annual Sanlam Benchmark Survey has been completed and the results thereof were released at the Benchmark Symposium. The results of the research are informative and insightful. Download the Research Insights Report...
Retirement savings: South Africans battle to take ‘tough decisions’
One of the most significant trends across the globe is the continuing increase in human longevity, largely due to ongoing improvements in nutrition, public health and medical technology… Read the rest of the...
Are you taking care of your future?
According to retirement expert and MD of Mr Retirement, Brian Spanier-Marson, 64% of all pensioners are forced to cut back on living expenses when they retire… Read the rest of the article as published in FA News...
Why you need to stop procrastinating, and plan for your financial future
Are you taking care of your financial future, or are you procrastinating when it comes to investing in your retirement? Read the rest of the article here as published in All4WOMEN on 29 March 2016
Made simpler, better
Proposed pension reforms are designed to benefit members… Read the rest of the article here as published in Financial Mail on 17 March 2016