Industry Updates
Sanlam Umbrella Fund introduces ground-breaking new benefit option
Cape Town: The Sanlam Umbrella Fund
10 things you should know about group RAs versus umbrella funds
An increasing number of small- to medium-sized employers are offering their employees what are known as “group” retirement annuity (RA) products in preference to membership of an umbrella fund. Read the...
Understanding the differences between saving and investing
Why South Africans should do more than just save their money. With one of the lowest savings rates in the world according to the South African Reserve Bank, a greater focus has been placed on encouraging ordinary...
How to align a lifestage strategy with annuity choice at retirement
Cape Town: Lifestage investment portfolios have increased in popularity among retirement funds over the past few years. Read more here as published in Insurance Gateway on 16 September 2015
T-Day on the horizon…again
You may recall that the Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 2013 was signed into law on 12 December 2013 with an effective date of 1 March 2015. In a media statement released by National Treasury on 16 October 2014, the...
Repair the disconnect through communication
The Sanlam Benchmark Survey has highlighted the fact that the typical South African employee does not engage with their retirement funding journey until it is too late