Industry Updates
The resilience of balanced funds in turbulent times
Balanced funds delivered strong returns for investors in 2020. Through markets that plunged, and then rose, in rapid succession, managers of balanced funds were able to apply tactical asset allocation to extract the best performance from equities, bonds and the performance of the rand.
Market Value Adjustments for Smooth Bonus Portfolios explained
Danie van Zyl discusses the concept of market value adjustments as a means of protecting members of smoothed bonus portfolios during times of negative investment returns.
Welcoming the Smoothed Bonus Conduct Standard
The release of the final Smooth Bonus Conduct Standard was timeous and relevant.
When Covid-19 means early retirement has come knocking
Covid-19 has forced many to consider early retirement due to changing circumstances. Will you have enough savings to retire early?
You’re retrenched, stranded or unpaid – what happens to your retirement savings
Millions of people around the world are asking how they are going to keep up retirement fund contributions while their salary is shrinking.
People are turning to retirement savings to cope with lockdown but most don’t have enough
As the extended lockdown takes its toll, retirement savings are being viewed by some as a kitty to survive the lockdown.