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The Sanlam Umbrella Fund is in the process of preparing a shortlist of independent professional trustees for the next Trustee election that will take place during April and May 2023. Members of the Sanlam Umbrella Fund are entitled to elect  independent, professional Member Representative Trustees that will make up 50% of the Board of Trustees. Click here to access the advertisement published by Batseta – the Council for Retirement Funds in SA. Interested parties may submit a CV for consideration to the Deputy Principal Officer by
17 March 2023 via email:

Participating employers can nominate individuals for consideration. However, the nominated Member Representative Trustee must have the knowledge, training, and independence to protect members against any possible conflict of interest. To make a nomination, please follow the same application process set out in the link above.

Please forward this election notice to the Joint Forum member representatives. In the event, that members have not been elected for whatever reason, employers are invited to nominate two employees who would typically represent members in other forums.

The ballot papers will be sent to you in April

The voting process:

  • Voting will take place from 17 April to 05 May 2023.
  • Two member representatives elected to serve on the joint forum of a participating employer can vote for their preferred candidates. In the absence of elected representatives, the two persons nominated by the employer will be allowed to vote.
  • Each member representative can vote for 3 candidates.
  • In the event that more than 2-member representatives vote then in that case only the votes of the first two member representatives identified will be considered and recorded

Votes may be cast:

  • Online by accessing the ballot paper that will be made available in April, or
  • By submitting the completed ballot to your HR officer, who must then submit the ballot paper/s by email to:

Should you require more information, or are uncertain about the voting process, kindly contact the Deputy Principal Officer by email on: