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Fund Updates

How the new In-Fund options will benefit members

The retirement fund industry landscape is changing and the Sanlam Umbrella Fund has become the first of the major commercial umbrella funds to introduce brand new membership categories… Read more

The Power of Preservation

Encouraging members to preserve their retirement money when changing jobs… See the infographic...

The March 2016 version of The Fund in Detail

We are releasing herewith the March 2016 version of The Fund in Detail document to consultants, who are advised to familiarise themselves with the updates in this new version. All the updates have been summarised for...

T-Day and the Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2016

A lot of uncertainty prevails in the industry regarding the new taxation laws (T-Day) planned for implementation on 1 March 2016. Some of the provisions in respect of T-Day are going ahead for 1 March 2016 and others...

Cancellation of tax directives

SARS issued a letter dated 15 October to the Institute of Retirement Funds Africa cautioning against the cancellation of tax directives. Read more